Wednesday, June 28, 2006


OK, today I cried for the first time since leaving Australia! The day started exceeding well - I was up early surfing the net being inspired to learn about art history at 5 am this morning! I've been writing notes and basically giving myself a crash course in the history of the world. Thank you for the book Sonja - its a rare little gem!

Bouncing out of the flat into the cobbled streets of London Bridge to my fave coffee shop for my morning latte - sorry have to digress here :

THERE IS NO GOOD COFFEE IN ALL OF ENGLAND! The best coffee shop only does coffee half as good as Rifo's! Maybe they can do flat whites - but they certainly cant do creamy, silky lattes! And the crazy thing is that I keep being sucked in by signs saying places do proper coffee, only to order and find out they are awful. Do you think they will think it rude if I just offer to make it myself next time??

anyway - riding the tube like a true londoner, I arrived at South Kensington for a much anticipated visit to the Natural History Museum, only to discover my fave building in London! It was built in the late 1800's by Alfred Waterhouse and is in the German Romanesque style! Apart my being gloriously beautiful with lots of skylights letting in natural light, it is covered with hundreds of plant and animal carvings and reliefs.

Oh, and the exhibitions were fantastic as well! I had a poignant moment when I saw a Victorian glass case filled with about 300 different types of hummingbirds that the museum had acquired from a private collector- the fashion to collect and display animals as trophies seemed rather grotesque.

And then I start to feel rather unwell and dizzy and absolutley exhausted! I'm sitting on the tube home with my eyes closed and then start blubbering at my local chemist how i'm sick, still sick, not getting better, please give me the kick ass flu drugs, and why cant this bloody country prescribe anti-biotics with the impunity of Australia!

So i walk into the flat, promptly burst into tears, call Fi and go WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am however now, calm and in control and have decided to stop pushing myself to do stuff and try to actually get some proper rest instead of stressing myself out! Hence I am banned from any excursions outside my local area for a few days!

I am so frustrated and desparate to get well I am even considering eating a whole garlic bulb raw!

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