After enduring two hours of my brothers formula one driving, we arrived at Lincoln and I braved myself for the Tower Top climb of the Lincoln Cathedral. 338 stairs up in a very narrow spiral staircase! Okay, so not such a big deal you say - well not if you are not a.claustrophobic and b.fraid of heights!
However, never one to let my fears get in the way, I am proud to say I made it to the top and ooohed and aaahhed at the magnificent view! What was most amazing was to see the cathedral behind the scenes so to speak. At one point we were standing on the floor above the cathedral. Echos of the past whisper around you and you can almost see the people who must have climbed these small, narrow stairs in ages past! I kept imagining I was a virginal maiden, hurrying up the stairs to hide from the invaders! (Only then to be ravished!) Great place for a game of hide and seek!
My heart and soul is just drinking in England!
Bunny is an excellent tour guide and has been filling me in on all the pertinent facts I seemed to have missed out on in my history class! And Rod is a great driver once you get used to the "get the fuck off the fucking road if you cant drive" mentality. (Actually - I have to admit I quite agree with him - why oh why is it so hard for people to drive properly?)
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