Monday, July 10, 2006



Barcelona is being very good to me! After wandering around lost, looking for a hostel, I eventually found one right on Las Ramblas down near the docks! And I have my very own room for only 20 euros a night!

Settling down in the Plaza Reial for a coke (cause thats all I knew how to ask for!) I met some local barcelonians who invited me over to their table for bino blanco! Oscar and Ray are two cubans who have lived in Spain for 6 years and Sutti is from Thailand and also a resident here!

So with much frivolity and mis-communication, they proceeded to teach me spainish! Then it was off to god knows where to a tiny cuban club to catch some salsa and mojitos! Fabulous!

Sutti and Ray then invited me to their casa downtown near las ramblas for a delicious dinner of massive prawns and pasta - and of course more bino!

So my first day in this beautiful city was sensational!

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