Thursday, July 06, 2006


Yesterday I caught up with Yasas at the Victoria and Albert Museum in South Kensington. Well, I thought the Natural History Museum was good - the V&A is jaw-droppingly awesome! I wandered around having artistic orgasms at the incredible collections they have. Sculptures that you have to see to believe - lucky I took a whole role of film which will post when it has been developed. At one point I walked into the Italian Cast Sculpture room and almost burst into tears at the magnificence of it!

I especially liked the "Netsuke" which are minature carvings of sorts of shapes - animals, people, flowers etc and made from wood or ivory that the Japanese used to counterweight their pouches as they had no pockets! The ones I saw were from the 17-1800's and were just exquiste! Then you come to the lacquer work - paper and letter boxes etc. The intricacy and detail and sheer beauty just take your breath away!

Anyway - I could rave about the Museum for ages and am planning to go back tomorrow as I only saw a small section in the four hours I was there!

So after our V&A session, Yasas and I decided to pop into a local and have a well deserved drink - mmm I have discovered PIMMS with lemonade, and fresh limes and lemons - very refreshing!

Then it was off on a crazy walking tour around Kensignton looking at all the posh houses and admiring the Architecture and me torturing Yasas as to the periods and styles of Architecture! Ending up in Hammersmith - which by this time I was completely lost - we had another drink at a pub by the Thames and admired the Hammersmith Bridge!

At the tube Yasas and I parted and being a little drunk, managed to make it home to the borough, only to find I had lost my phone on the tube! Really - I ask you - how do I keep managing to lose things!

So by the time I got back to the flat, I was feeling thoroughly pissed off with myself (oh and the antibiotics are making me really nauseous which is great... just great!).

Well the good news is that someone handed it in and rang david who rang me to tell me where to pick up my phone, but i was so busy being mad at myself I didnt actually pay any attention to which tube station it was at!

So after having a little hissy fit at myself, I decided to settle into the couch, watch the teev and begin again tomorrow!

Oh the trials and tribulations of being oneself, lucky I am developing the knack of standing outside myself and looking in and thinking that i am actually quite amusing with my idiosyncracies!

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