Thursday, July 27, 2006


One of my fave things to do in a new city is visit the botannical gardebs! Especially after a few days wandering the city streets, my soul is in need of leafy green spaces and a little piece of nature!

On my way to the gardens, what should I spy but two little kittens hiding under a parked car on the city streets near a crazily busy main road! They were so tiny and scared! Much to the bemusement of some well to do Valencian ladies I plonked myself down on the sidewalk and proceeded to make kitty noises and try and coax them out. Their huge wild eyes told me I had no chance! With forlorn backward glances and thoughts of kitty kidnap, I headed off to the gardens.

Upon entering, what should catch my eye but ANOTHER two kittens - one a tabby and the other, irresistible to me - a gorgeous spritely black one! Then I see another cat sitting on a chair, and another, and then another, to my delight I see that there are cats everywhere! I have entered into kitty paradise!

As i wander the paths between glorios green plants of every hue, I keep spying gatos! A skinny black gato comes up to me for cuddles and ear scartches and then decides to accompany me on my exploration through the garden. I have made a kitty friend!

Soon I come to a quiet and shaded spot and out of the bushes and undergrowth, what should emerge but a dozen or so gatos with curious eyes all watching me. As I walk off down the path, the all proceed to follow me - I am the Pied Piper of Valencia!!!

On the way out, I again come across the little black kitten and tease him with a popsicle stick. Of course, being a cat, his sense of play and curiosity get the better of him and soon we are playing the proverbial game of cat and mouse. Pretty soon I am wondering what the legalities are of stealing a kitten from the botannical gardens and smuggling him through British Customs, not to mention how the hell I would hide him from David in a one bedromm flat!

After being so kitty deprived for so long, the universe has answered my desparate pleas in spades!


Anonymous said...

me again!
phew - it all sounds much better now.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!