Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Well, the weekend starts at 4:30pm, with a mad dash to Sloane Square for entry to the Chelsea Flower Show with Kel. We have only from 5-8pm to see the show and a strategic plan is implemeted in order for us to see everything we most want to.

Suffice to say, upon entering, with the massive crowds and utter excitement of being at the show, strategic plan is ditched in favour of mad dashes and tangential wanderings!

The show is a burst of colour and texture, with not ony gardens but amazing scuptures and garden products as well. All this only amplifies my lust for a garden and home of my own in which to potter and make beautiful!

The gardens are breath-takingly beautiful and true works of art. One can only admire the love and creativity that has inspired these horticultural artists!

At 8pm, with announcements that the show was closed, we were disappointed that we hadnt even had the time to see the floral arrangements section. So cheeky Lil, determined not to miss out, grabs Kel and we sneak into the Floral section to have a quick peek. This precipitates a new plan of action, whereby we run around madly, cheecking out all the bits we missed, deciding we will just keep wandering until someone kicks us out. The joy of this plan, is that we get to see everything without having to elbow and push ourselves to the front to see the exhibitions! Brilliant! So we end up seeing more in that last half hour than we did in the previous 1 and a half!

All the excitment and hype has indeed made us thirsty, so we head for a local Chelsea Pub on Kings Road for a well earned pint!

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