Monday, May 15, 2006

Let me outta here!

Finally I am on the home stretch - only four weeks to go and what an interminable four weeks they seem. My bag is packed, I'm moving out of my house in two weeks and saying goodbye to my two cats Madison (aka Maddy the Moo) and Uss (aka Dont call me dude, dude!) and taking not nearly enough money with me!

I'm ready and impatient to go, except for one thing - how do I leave my special cat Madison. Dont get me wrong - I love Uss too - but he's just not Maddy!

I've cried in bed snuggling next to Maddy - how can I possibly leave her? I have had her now for almost 13 years (longer than any boy has been in my life!), moved to various houses with her, she's been with me on all those nights when I was sad or depressed and curled up by my shoulder as I read yet another novel in bed!

Mmmm, maybe I should leave enough room in my backpack to take her with me!!!

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