Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hmmmm - Maybe I am ready for all this afterall!

Ok - only four sleeps to go! After feeling totally exhausted and so unenthusiastic about going for the last two weeks, I am finally feeling like maybe - just maybe I am ready to go! Have moved out of my house so am now offically homeless! Lucky for me Fi and Ben have taken pity on me and have kindly let me stay at their house!!! Desparate for some cat attention - I have commandered Fi's cat "Cat"! Will obviously have to find someone in the UK whose cat I can adopt!!

Presently, after being so organised for so long, I have been spending my days at my fave cafe "Rifo's" enjoying the quintessential best lattes in Perth, instead of doing the last final things that need to be done! I am adopting the attitude of whatever hasnt been done - obviously doesnt need to be (which i may find to my detriment later - but who cares?).

Tomorrow I am off to my doctors to pick up a script of valium so i can hopefully bypass the whole "I am going to die" flying experience!!! 24 hours on an airplane that could crash and burn any moment - the only way to do it is to totally knock yourself out I feel! Mmmm - note to self - DONT FORGET the nicotine patches!! Really - how do they expect us smokers to combat fear of the plane crashing any moment and NOT being able to have a cigarette! Madness I tell you! No wonder people go crazy on planes - they obviously just need a bloody cigarette!!

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