Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I have met the artful dodger - he is a gorgeous tabby cat who David informs me is the local cat at the Borough Markets. He wanders the streets at night youwling his head off at people as they walk past to give him food, pretending to be a starving stray.

I had already seen him from the balcony of the flat, and being desparate for cat attention, wondered whether i could sneak him into the flat without David knowing! I'm sure he would love to cuddle with me on the couch watching Dr Who!

Anyway - after returning from seeing The Passenger (amazing film by the way) I came accross The dodger in the street and stopped for pats and snuggles! I expected to find him skinny with a shabby coat - but in fact he is quite glossy and healthy! And then i realised - starving poor tabby cat is all an ACT! Hence i have named him the artful dodger on account of his scamming capabilities!

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