Friday, June 30, 2006


I just lurve weekends at the Borough!!! The markets are full of the most delicious and tantalising tidbits! After craving red meat for the last week - I decided to make spaghetti bolognese - which is no mean feat in a kitchen with 1 pot, 1 knife and no can opener! Luckily I still have all my fingers!

In sheer desparation I have taken to eating ginger and garlic raw, ginger and garlic tea and ginger and garlic inhalations! Hence, I am in no danger of being ravished by any vampires or men for awhile!

I have been invariably amused by my self inflicted ban on doing anything but resting, as I find myself pacing around the flat like a caged panther! Doing nothing just doesnt sit well with me at all! I keep wondering what would happen if I did one of those retreats where you cant talk to anyone and have to meditate for 10 days! I guess eventually I would either find inner calm and serenity or I would find myself hysterically clutching at the monks feet begging them to talk to me!

I tell you what - first thing I am doing when i get better is to get really drunk and go out dancing in my new frock which Bunny made me buy in Leeds!

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