Sunday, July 02, 2006


Honestly - I can be such a drama queen sometimes! Have been having such a struggle with myself over the fact that I am sick and cant do much. I feel ok just pottering around the house, but as soon as I expend some energy (as in going to the pub to watch the footy) I start to feel dizzy and faint! Not too mention the fact that yesterday I felt homesick for the first time! Lonely, miserable and incredibly frustrated - which of course is doing nothing to help me get better as I feel so stressed out!

So after a great chat with Fi (who assured me I am not a crazy lunatic - or to be more precise - I am being a crazy lunatic - but its ok) and a stern pep talk to myself, I have decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and get a sense of humour!

Ok, so when I planned my trip to the the UK, never was it in the itinerary that I would be sick for the first three weeks! But I am - so I can sit here whinging about how crap and unfair it is or I can come up with a new plan that fits it in!

"Its not events that make us unhappy - its how we think about them"

So I am going to take the opportunity of being stuck in a lovely flat in London to apply for jobs! I mean - really - applying for jobs is a tedious task - so why not do it while I am sick, instead of when I feel better and would rather be out doing cool things!

And sure - I'm probably going to feel lonely - who wouldnt in a big city with no friends and too sick to actually go out and make them! But that will just have to be my challenge now wont it!

Wow - who would have thought - even when life is crappy - its still so amazing!

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