Sunday, February 04, 2007


It was going to be fantastic - i was going to be paid £10 an hour to be an assistant manager at one of the christmas venues, learn more about event management and work 12 hour days earning heaps! Oh how wrong can one be?

It was quite possibly the worst four weeks of my working life!

My event manager "bulldog" we shall call her, turned out to be an irrational, belittling and nasty sociopath. On too many numerous occassions I was reduced to tears, half the time during service. What is so difficult to deal with is that these kind of people excel in the art of subtlty! What they do is nothing overt and concrete, its just a tone of voice or look, a convenient changing of the mind about how they want things done, so that you are never quite clear what exactly they want. One day the bottles of water need to be on the table this way, and then, today, for some reason only known to them and which makes no sense, they all have to be changed to a different way.

One day I bought in chocolates and biscuits for everyone, just as a little pep up and she demanded to know who had bought them in and when i said me, I was given the most evil and filty look, as if to say how dare I!

Needless to say by the end of the run I was an emotional wreck, so much so, that I missed my flight to Germany the next day as I couldnt stop crying or concerntrate.

Unfortunately, what this kind of behaivour does is to make you question your own sanity and abilities. Ive always taken pride in the fact that i am relatively intelligent and most things I attempt, I can do. However, by the end, I had so much self doubt in my self as a worker and a person, I was seriously considering quitting my job.

So after taking quite a few weeks to get over the whole shattering experience, what have i got from it?
1. There are people out there in the world who are very sad and screwed up individuals
2. I can feel empathy for them as damaged individuals
3. I dont have to put up with it!

So I am now trying to focus on being more assertive and stand up for myself more.


Anonymous said...

Fuckem! Plenty more jobs in the UK without working for socially retarded in-duh-viduals.

Go oop narth lass! ;)

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.