Today I decided to take myself for a wander around regents park on account of the gloriously sunny day today!
I'm strolling along, enjoying the serenity, wtaching people of all descriptions enjoying what i am sure, is the last vestiages of the sun for awhile. In dire need of a cigarette (no mama - i havnet quit somking yet!) I spy a free becnh next to a fabulous water fountain, and take a seat. Promptly, a little black bird comes bouncing over on the bench and proceeds to my absolute delight - to start poking through my bag! After realising that film cannisters and orange sticky notes are defintiely not edible, sweet little bird then hops onto my arm and starts pecking me!
I then become the centre of attention as people start checking out me with this black bird on my arm! One lady asked if he was mine - and I'm like - no - weve just met!
Then cheeky bird is pecking madly at my cigarette case and pecking m in the belly too! It was all rather hysterical! I must admit - I felt very zen with the animal kingdom! I might not do humans too well - but animals just seem attracted to me!
Then along comes a lady with her horrid little boy who proceeds to chase after my cheeky rook friend and scares him away! But I will go back again one day, and take him some tasty treats!
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