Well, i have to say, the Cote du Azur is just beautiful. We start at Monaco and visit the aquarium there as my bro told me it was incredible. I saw baby sharks still wiggling around in their egg sacks! And a rare brown eel who was massive and fully grown when they caught him in 1968. I must say, he did look very old and grumpy, and I felt sorry for him being in captivity for so long. And there was a tank full of tiny tiny nemos!!! Poor Mark, i think Sonja and I embarassed him with our extremely loud squeals of "NEMOS!!!" and rushing like three year olds over to the tank! SIGH! I miss my tank so much! Since moving to london I have realised the three things I cant live without - cats, fish and plants!
We also drive the formula one circuit - which is actually the streets of Monaco, "IN YOUR FACE!!!", I say to all my fellow male gamers!
Next its a visit to the palace of the Prince - I tried my best to look fabulous in the hope he might spy me from his palace window and decide he desparatly needed me as his mistress! Actually, I did manage to make one of the guards laugh though! Hmmm - wonder how well THEY get paid? Only kidding - I am STILL waiting for my broke but sexy spainish artist to turn up. Actually, I am still waiting for ANYONE to turn up!
Well, Monaco is rich, you can feel it in the air. You can just tell that the clothes people are wearing cost a fortune, the cars are all flashy and the shops heartbreakingly divine!
Still, in my sexy black dress and audrey sunnies driving along the winding coast, I too felt a little of that Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief glamour!
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