Friday, March 23, 2007


Highlight of Nice? Sonja Mark and I head to a fabulous little cafe for breakfast, and what do we both spy just outside? A street performer in an old fashioned marquis costume with not one but two cats that he performs with! With much eye rolling and a look of "Gee, do they have to stop and personall greet EVERY cat they come accross in France" look from Mark, Sonja and I promptly begin to fawn over and smooch the adorable darlings! You could tell from their coats that they were indeed old cats, and they possessed an air of nonchalance about the surrounding hustle and bustle that characterises Nice. Of course, how could we refuse when the performer asked us for money to feed the cats!

We proceed to spend the day strolling around Nice, oohing and ahhing over enchanting chocolate shops and fashions we could never afford when to our absoulte delight, we come accross the street performer with his cats, doing his show! There was some booming classical music accompanying his show, and watching the cats perform, and then having Sonja go up and have her hand shaken by the cat - well, it was all just so amazing and beautiful that I burst into tears. A surprised Sonja and Mark spy me crying and ask me whats wrong, "The cats, theyre so beautiful" I wail. "R...i...ght" they reply, obviously thinking who is this lunatic we seem to be travelling with!

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