Thursday, June 07, 2007


Yep - the weekend just keeps going!

To commerate the abolishon of slavery in Africa, Kate & I head into Trafalgar Square to join in Africa Day! The weather is cold and there is a continual sprinkling from the heavens, but the smiles and laughter and all round good vibes make up for the lack of sunshine.

In order to keep warm, we head into the crowd and join in the dancing with everyone else, and a lovely man offers to share his umbrella with us! Soon, the african legend Marion Makeba or 'Mama Africa' as she is fondly referred to, appears onstage. Wow - is she one amazing mama! Apparently she is over 80 years old and has retired, but has decided to make a special appearance! Her voice, grace and vitality are infectious and envelope the crowd.

Kel has just rung to say she is also there, and she knows we are too because she has just seen us on the huge tv screen smiling and dancing! Woohoo! We're on british telly! Soaking wet and looking like drowned rats.

For me, one litte old lady epitomised the african spirit - she was tiny and old and frail, and there she was dancing and grooving with the aid of her walking stick! You go girlfriend!!!

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