Saturday, June 17, 2006

Pussycat, Pussycat, Where have you been?

Due to it being the Queens Birthday, I thought a trip to Buckingham Palace to wish her a Happy Birthday was called for! No - I didnt see the Queen - she had thoughtlessly gone inside for a nice cup of tea and cucumber triangle sandwiches by the time I got there! I did however, see the dudes in big, black furry hats - changing of the guard - which I found quite hysterically funny!

I'm still having "navigation issues" of which David informs me is to do with the sun and north being opposite in the northern hemisphere. So to combat this i have discovered two remedies:

1. Whichever direction I think is the right way - I need to go the exact opposite direction

2. Turn the map upside down!

Between these two I am managing to find my way around London rather successfully I might add!

TODAYS HIGHLIGHT: thinking I might add this as a regular feature!

Anyway - todays highlight was seeing SQUIRRELS in Hyde Park!!!!!!!!!!! They are so funny and bouncy and extremely cheeky! I rummaged through my bag for something to feed them but didnt think it was particularily eco of me to feed them tobacco! Could you imagine nicotine addicted squirrels?

Hyde Park is gorgeous - the have deckchairs and ducks, row boats, crazy upside down trees, squirrels! and more men with their shirts off than I have ever seen! There's this whole park culture similar to our bbq culture in Aus, but here it seems even more pronouced - I guess due to the fact they only have nice weather for a few months of the year!

So if you see any reports about some crazy lunatic - sorry - gorgeous crazy lunatic walking around london, grinning like an idiot and occasinally doing weird little hops - that was me! Please dont pinch me - I dont ever want to wake up!

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